Sunday, July 18, 2010

What I feel was the longest day of my life.

As you may have noticed, I am quite prone to going to bed quite late (4ish) and waking quite late (1ish). Well, this morning I awoke at 8 o'clock. I went to church, out to eat, to my Grandma's, and was home before 12:30. My house gets pretty friggin boring, so I set off in search of something to do. I found my self at my aunt and uncle's house. I was soon roped into weed pulling, of course I got paid, 20 bucks. That lasted for what seemed like an eternity. After that ordeal, I was nice and sweaty, not mention dirty and soaked, by my younger cousins. Came home showered, and was bored again. So off I went to my Grandma's again. I spent a while there (like 2 hours) before returning to my house. (Then of course the moments when I had absolutely nothing today dragged out because I had some heavy stuff weighing on my mind: drama.) Then, I decided to go to my other aunt's house (Martha) to wait on her to get home. Trey was there and Billy. Martha got home then soon JJ followed. Now, here's the thing, and I hate to have to say this, but Billy has some awful gas. Well I was sitting on the couch when he let one go and my automatic reflex was to jump up and run for air freshener. When I did, I had to go down a hallway connected to the living room by a door frame. Well, in the midst of running and laughing, I knocked my foot really good on the door frame. And of course everyone heard it and we all laughed for at least ten minutes. JJ even fell out her chair. I then topped my LONG day with some Burger King and came home, where I now sit bored and wide awake at 2:34 in the morning. :)

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